Web based online quotation maker may be a web tool which creates, maintains, and send price Estimate to the set of consumers . It manages all the costs Estimates in an organized & systematic manner, along side the upkeep of records for future references. Quotations play a very important role in generating new business especially for small business. When a business bids for a new project or assignment, the first formal document presented to the potential client is the quotation. Making sure you get the quote or proposal right and unambiguous is critical as it increases the chances of winning the bid many folds. Quotation generator software not only helps you generate and track the quotes, but also lets you convert an approved quote into an invoice, log payments against the invoice and also record expenses incurred to service the client. Quotation generator software which you can explore for free. Create a couple of quotations, send them over to your clients and check the response. You will be delighted to see the spurt in your quotation approvals rates.